Nan de mwa ki sot pase yo, moun yo nan Wuhan ak peyi a te fè eksperyans sezon fredi a pi difisil. Sepandan, anba planifikasyon an jeneral nan Pati Komite Santral la ak Konsèy Eta a, tout peyi a te travay ansanm epi finalman inogire nan yon sitiyasyon ki estab ak favorab. Te rekiperasyon an nan lòd pwodiksyon k ap viv nan peyi a akselere, ak en ak en chenn endistriyèl yo nan pwodiksyon manje te konplètman refè. Tout moun se sou Usher nan yon sezon prentan endistri.
China International Food Additives and Ingredients Exhibition (FIC), as the world's most important platform for trade, investment, and technology exchange, will firmly play the role of the industry's development vane, and will restart on June 28-30, 2020. With the market confidence and the full recovery of the global economy, FIC2020 will cooperate with the majority of enterprises to regain confidence and create a new era of stable and efficient development in the industry.
Yo nan lòd yo diminye enpak la nan epidemi an sou endistri a manje, ede ekspozan fè FIC preparasyon egzibisyon, pandan y ap fasilite achtè pwofesyonèl yo konprann detay yo nan ekspozan ak ekspozisyon, ak fòmile plan akizisyon an davans. Evènman an envite endistri a yo peye atansyon ak patisipe.
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Post tan: Mar-18-2020